Anorexia (Loss of Appetite), Colic, Diseases of Intestines, Diseases of Stomach, Diseases of the Mouth & Tongue, Gastralgia, Hiccups, Jawarish SF, Patent, Ptyalism (Salivation), Sugar Free Classic.
It relieves pain in the stomach and intestines due to flatulence.
Jawarish Kamuni is presented in a convenient patent sugar-free jawarish form. With all the goodness of Jawarish Kamuni, Dehlvi Kaimooni Sugar-Free (Jawarish) meets the demands of this modern age. Relieves pain in the stomach and intestines due to flatulence. Improves digestive functions, stops hiccups and neutralizes acidity. Removes constipation also.
Direction: 5 to 10 gm twice daily after meals with water, or as directed by the physician.